Unstudio: Lars Van Hoften
Unstudio: Lars Van Hoftenn

UNStudio, founded in 1988 by Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, is an international architectural design network with four full-service international offices in Amsterdam, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Frankfurt. We specialise in architecture, interior architecture, product design, urban development and infrastructural projects.
Over 200 staff from 27 countries are spread throughout the network in a streamlined structure that enables us to spend less time organising and more time designing and collaborating with our clients.
Lars van Hoften
Master of Science (MSc.) / Ingenieur (Ir.) Associate Architect / Urban Designer Lars van Hoften is an Architect / Urban Designer / Associate at UNStudio.
In 2014 he joined UNStudio, where he worked on several big infrastructure projects such as Qatar Integrated Railways and Taiwan International Airport and several large scale Chinese projects.
He was one of the lead urban designers for the A10 Ring project and for the Sociotechnical City of the Future.
Currently he is working on the design for an extension of a hospital in The Hague and on several research projects regarding Urban Mobility. His wide interest and knowledge gives him the opportunity to act as a mediator on different scale levels of design.
Lars obtained his architectural degree from the TU Delft in 2009. His graduation project was nominated for the Archiprix. After his education he worked for de Architekten Cie., where he was project architect and lead designer for the award-winning swimming pool Noorderparkbad
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© Christian Richters_Mobius House
©Iwan Baan_MUMUTH Graz