Born in Castellón de la Plana, Spain in 1945. Architect from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB) in 1969
– Professor at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona, in the Projects Department from 1970
to 1989. (Assistant Professor in the Projects II Chair, during the 1978-79, 1979-80 and 1980-81 years).
– Professor in charge of the course at the Department of Projects V of the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Vallès from the academic year 1983-84 to 1987-88.
– Tutor teacher in Projects at the Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona (Ramon Llull University), from 1997 to 1999.
– Professor in charge of the course at the Ramon Llull School of Architecture in Barcelona, 1997-99.
– Visiting Professor of Projects at the Technical School of Architecture in Pamplona during the 1998-99 academic year at the University of Navarra.
– Guest professor at the Department of Architecture of the “École Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausanne”, during the academic year 1999-2000.
– Invited professor as an external expert in the examination boards of the end-of-career projects of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2003.
– External teacher in the 4th semester of Projects at the Technical School of Architecture in Pamplona during the 2002-2003 academic year at the University of Navarra.
– Professor at the Ramon Llull School of Architecture in Barcelona, academic years 2003-04, 2004-05
– Guest teacher in seminars, courses or workshops in Almeria, Baeza, Barcelona, Bogota, Medellin, Quito, Graz, Lausanne, Lisbon, Malaga, Mallorca, Paris, Santander, Valladolid and Vienna.
– Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Architecture Chair of the Antonio Camuñas Foundation, 2005.
– Member of the Alejandro de la Sota foundation, 2005.
– Member of the Association of “Jujol Archive”, 2005.
– Responsible for the transversal workshop of the Master of Projects at the “La Salle” school of architecture, Ramon Llull University. Spring semester 2010-11
– Professor invited by the European University at the School of Architecture of Madrid, January-July 2014
– Speaker at the 1st National Congress “Pioneers of modern Spanish architecture: validity of their thinking and their work”, May 9-10, 2014
– Jury of the final year project of the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Toledo, Spain. June 2020
– Workshop at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Reus. Spain with Roger Miralles about the bell tower of Creixell by architect J. Mª Jujol. 2021
– Workshop “a piece of furniture that is a world” at CEU, Architecture in Valencia. Spain with Juan Marco and Ana Abalos. 2022
– Workshop about “tapestry of faith” from 2008 by architect J. Mª Jujol at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB) with Miquel Mariné and Bernat Hernandez. March 2022
Exhibitions Commissioner
– Commissioner of “Josep Mª Jujol” Exhibition which was organized by College of Architects of Catalunya.1991
– Commissioner of “1% cultural” Exhibition which was organized by Generalitat of Catalunya and ICS, 2003.
– Author of the exhibition “La Condició Humana”, organized by Universal Forum of Cultures in Barcelona, 2004.
Conferences, competitions jury member, exhibitions …
– Conferences, talking about own work in several Architecture Schools and Colleges of Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, England, Swiss, Germany, Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador and Peru.
– Own work selected to participate in architectural exhibitions in various cities or national and international architectural centres.
– Member of jury in numerous national and international architectural competitions
– Own work published in many national and international magazines, books and monographic books.
– Published articles, especially on the works of Mies van der Rohe, Josep Mª Jujol, Alejandro de la Sota and José Antonio Coderch in various national and international magazines- Author of Monographs on Josep Mª Jujol, published by Taschen Editorial. Germany. 1992.
– Author of Monographs on Metropol, Teatro del Patronato Obrero, publishing Actar, 1998.
– Co-author of Monograph on Alejandro de la Sota, edited by Caja de Arquitectos, 2010.
Own work’s awards
– 1977: Jury Opinion Prize, FAD Interior Design Awards, for shop in Barcelona
– 1990: Villa de Madrid Architecture and Urban Planning Prize, for “Josep Mª Jujol, architect” exhibition
– 1994/1995: Finalist in Spanish Architecture III Biennale, for single family dwelling in Can Caralleu. Barcelona
– 1995: “City of Barcelona” Prize, in architecture and urban planning section, for apartment building on C/Carme – C/ Roig in Barcelona
– 1995/1996: Spanish architecture IV Biennale prize, for Secondary School in Torredembarra. Tarragona
– 1996: Rehabitec Construction Prize, Generalitat of Catalunya, for renovation and restoration of Metropol Theatre, Tarragona
– 1996: FAD prize Architecture for renovation and restoration of Metropol Theatre, Tarragona
– 1996: Dragados y Construcciones Prize for Spanish Architecture, CEOE Foundation, for apartment building on c/ Carme – c/ Roig in Barcelona
– 1997: Opinion Prize of the Jury, FAD Architecture, for secondary school in Torredembarra, Tarragona
– 1998: “City of Barcelona” Prize, in architecture and urban planning section, for museum adaptation of basement, City History Museum, Barcelona
– 1997/1998: IV Manuel de la Dehesa Prize, Spanish Architecture V Biennale 1997/1998 for Terrassa Central Library, Barcelona
– 2001: “Barcelona City” Prize, in architecture and urban planning section, for “Pit Roig” Early Childhood and Primary Education Center in Barcelona
– 2003: Jury Opinion Prize, FAD Architecture, for “Vila de Gracia” library in Barcelona
– 2003: “City of Barcelona” Prize, in architecture and urban planning section, for group of buildings on Fort Pienc Block in Barcelona
– 2005: 5th Decade Prize, 1995-2005, Óscar Tusquets Blanca Foundation, for apartment building on c/ Carme – c/ Roig in Barcelona
– 2006: National Culture Award. Architecture and Public Space. Generalitat of Catalunya for Jaume Fuster Library, Barcelona
– 2006: FAD architecture prize for Jaume Fuster Library in Barcelona
– 2009: Architecture prize awarded by VI Radio Castellón Cadena Ser Prizes Jury
– 2010: First prize of Archizinc VMZINC Trophy, in public buildins category for Ocular Microsurgery Institute in Barcelona
– 2011: Selected by the Spanish Architecture XI Biennial for “l’Atlántida”, Performing Arts Centre in the city of Vic. Spain
– 2011: Finalist for the Mies van der Rohe Prize for “l’Atlàntida”, Performing Arts Center in the city of Vic
– 2011: Finalist for the Mies van der Rohe Prize for Ocular Microsurgery Institute, IMO, in Barcelona
– 2012: “Old City of Vic” prize from the VI Architecture Exhibition of the Central Regions of the College of Architects of Catalunya for “L’Atlàntida”, Performing Arts Center in the city of Vic
– 2015: FAD Prize for “Knowledge and Criticism” for the book by Asimètriques Editions “Sospecha de estiercol”
– 2016: Selected by the Spanish Architecture XVI Biennial, 2021-2022-for the book “Niños y bisabuelos”
– 2024: Gold Medal for Architecture, awarded by the Higher Council of Architecture Colleges of Spain, June 2024