1959 Bielefeld/Germany
Study of architecture at the
RWTH Aachen/Germany
Professional career
1987 Founding of «Architekturbüro Riegler Riewe» in Graz.
1996 Founding of «Riegler Riewe Architects Pty Ltd.» in Graz/Austria
1997 Founding of branch office of «Architekturbüro Riegler Riewe» in Cologne/Germany
1989 – 1999 Member of the board of the Central Union of architects, (ZV) Styria, Austria
1996 – 1999 vice president of the ZV
2001 – 2003 Member of the board of the Austrian Architecture Foundation
2002 – 2005 Austrian EC-delegate COST / technical comitee on urban civil engineering
since 2004 Member of Scientific Committee Europan
since 2004 Member of the Old Town commission in Graz
since 2005 Member of the Advisory Board of the Forum Alpbach – Architecture
Academic career
1994 Berlage Institute Amsterdam, Netherlands
1995 RWTH Aachen, Germany
1996 Guestprofessor TU Prague, Czechia
1996 Caras-Workshop, Syros, Greece
1996 IAAS Barcelona, Spain
1996 IAAS Malberg, Germany
1997 «Architekturwerkstatt» Augsburg, Germany
1997 IAAS Venice, Italy
1998 «Architekturwerkstatt» Biberach, Germany
1998 IAAS Venice, Italy
1999 William Sommerville Lectureship, University of Calgary, Canada
1999 – 2002 Guestprofessor ESARQ (UIC) Barcelona, Spain
1994 – 2000 external examiner of the diploma course at the faculty for architecture at the TU Graz, Austria
2000 – 2001 Guestprofessor TU Graz, Austria
since 2001 Professor at the Institute For Architecture Technology, TU Graz, Austria